One of my favorite parts of my job is when someone is just starting to get into sewing and I get to talk to them about how much fun it is. I get asked a LOT what I recommend for basic sewing tools so here are some of my favorite basic items that I use all the time!
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The first and most important tool that I use is my scissors. I love a good sharp pair of shears and personally I prefer a long blade to make nice clean cuts. The long blade is especially useful for any dressmaking or when cutting delicate fabrics. These Fiskars scissors are my favorite, not too expensive for someone starting out, and you can even sharpen them yourself at home!

My second favorite tool is..... another pair of scissors! Having a nice sharp pair of thread snips is so helpful for trimming threads, clipping curves and corners, and doing delicate, intricate cuts. I also use Fiskars for these, I've tried many different kinds and these little babies are by far my favorite. Sharp as heck all the way to the tip and super comfy on my hands even for extended use.

Pins and needles are also a must but a lot of what to use comes down to personal preference. There's a ton of variety out there for both and some of it will depend on what type of sewing you are doing. These ones here are what I use most often but you might find you like something completely different!
These #10 Milliners Needles are what I use for almost all of my hand sewing. They are long, sharp, and thin which I personally love. When you use them they will often bend a little giving a nice curve which can be helpful for taking small stitches when doing detail work
Dritz Quilting Pins are my go to for about 90% of my sewing. I know there is a trend of using clips and while they have their uses I really love the precision I get with these pins. The long shaft and larger yellow head make them easy to keep track of and mean you can pin together many layers of thick fabric with ease
The second style of pins I use are these Dritz Glass Head Pins. This shorter and finer pin is super sharp and perfect for working with delicate fabrics or small scale projects.
Safety pins are another great thing to have especially if you are doing any alterations. Being able to pin a garment and then not have your pins all fall out while the person is undressing or while transporting a garment is wonderful. There's a ton of other uses for safety pins as well and I tend to use an assortment of sizes like you can find in this set here.
Next on the list is tools for Measuring and Marking. I have so many tools in this category but my favorite and most used items are listed here.
My trusty Seam Gauge! I use this all the time for almost every project. Marking hems, measuring seam allowance, checking various measurements, and assuring accuracy in all of your sewing is a total breeze with this handy little tool. I like this style the best since it's the easiest for me to read the markings on it and I've had mine for years without the slider breaking or becoming loose.
A Cloth Measuring Tape is another basic and super useful tool to have in your sewing kit.
These Frixion Erasable Pens are my absolute favorite. There are so many options for marking pens, markers, and chalk but I use these more than anything else. You can mark out whatever you need and then as soon as you touch it with an iron the ink disappears.
There are so many fun and exciting tools you can use for all of your sewing and crafts but for anyone just getting into sewing, this is a great place to start.