I was asked by someone close to me WHY I did art and made dolls. This question has sat in the back of my brain for months. The simple answer of "I love it" didn't seem good enough or deep enough. For all these months I've pondered and stressed over an answer to this seemingly simply question. So here's what I've come up with.
I am an artist. Making and creating is a deep and integral part of who I am. Creating gives me life and joy and meaning to my own existence. This is why I do everything else. Art and making is my life blood.
I've thought many times about giving up the artist life and focusing on a "real" career. Splitting my attentions between a job that pays my bills, being a mom, having a social life, and taking care of a house is a lot to juggle and there is a draw to simplifying life and cutting out the thing that often feels like a guilty pleasure. I spend all of my very limited free time holed up in my studio painting tiny faces and playing with clay. Wouldn't life be easier without that taking up all of my time?
The answer as to why I do this is that my life would not be as rich or vibrant without the act of creating. I get to create beautiful, whimsical, fantastical things. I create joy and wonder with my art for both myself and those who have chosen to follow along with my journey as an artist online.
Maybe that answer isn't good enough for someone else and maybe its a terrible answer from a business perspective but its true and good enough for me.
